Thursday, August 16, 2018

Super Basic Czech -- MTC Week 2


This week was pretty busy, but what week isn't? 

Thursday: We taught Pavel our last lesson with him. We taught him about the Saviors atonement and resurrection. Trying to get creative, my companion and I pulled out a glove... using my super basic Czech, I explained the resurrection. When I pulled out the glove, Pavel started laughing and it took all he had to hold back, same with my companion and I. I held up the glove and said telo which means body, (that's not completely correct spelling though because I don't know how to do symbols on this computer). Then I pointed to my hand and said duch which means spirit, then I said smrt which means death and then took the glove off my hand and said separated, then I put the glove back on and said resurrected. Afterwards, we discussed with Pavel how our lesson went and he said he had never seen the glove thing done before and said he was trying so hard to laugh. He thought it was great because it taught a really complicated principle in a simple way. I'm surprised he hadn't ever seen that. I also learned how important it is to follow up on commitments because when people act, they become converted to Christ. 

Friday: We went to a workshop about finding people. It is so important to talk to everyone we can on the street and share a short message with them. We did a lot of roll plays trying to get to know people and then leading that discussion into the gospel. One key take away from today was that I am on the Lord's time, therefore, I need to make the best use of it every single day. We also learned how to conjugate verbs. Czech is getting more complicated everyday. I'm not excited to learn the 7 different ways they case things. 

Saturday: In personal study, I read all of Joseph Smith History again. If you haven't read that for a while, read it again. I could not ignore the warm feeling that I got when I read that. The Holy Ghost testified to me that it was true. Joseph Smith suffered so much persecution for what he believed, yet he stuck it out. I truly admire his example and commitment to the Lord. I'm grateful he was able to restore the church to this earth and translate the Kniha Mormonova. In class we memorized all of the doctrinal points in preach my gospel from the first three lessons. That was fun. I was really tired and when I am tired, I am quiet, so because I wasn't saying to much they made me recite all the points from all three lessons by myself. HAHA. 

Sunday: Every week from here on out we have to prepare a talk in Czech just in case we get called on to speak in Sacrament meeting. We also were able to watch a talk by Elder Holland called Missionaries are forever. I learned that if we push ourselves to the edge, God will help us fly, and that is when the miracles happen. This statement in his talk stuck out to me, "Missions are hard because salvation is not an easy experience." That is so true. 

We went to a workshop about technology and how we can use it to share the gospel. We can always refer people to for answers to their questions. We learned more irregular conjugations in class and we also did roll plays. I answered the question how I knew God existed by telling the story of Korihor and Alma. In Alma 30:44 it says how all things denote their is a God. I really loved that. It is cool how we can turn to the scriptures for answers to any question. 

Tuesday: We got a new investigator today, who is really our teacher... but our investigators name is Zdenek. He is someone my teacher taught on his mission. He is a lot harder to teach than Pavel. We taught him that God loves him and then we taught him how to pray. The Devotional was by far the best part of the day. We had Elder Patrick Kearon from the Seventy come speak to us. My companion and I sung in the choir again, and the Spirit was incredible. Elder Kearon and his wife shared a beautiful message. They told us not to compare ourselves to others or to compete with them. They told us to become the message you are sharing. Lastly the told us that the best motivation in life is LOVE! Elder Kearon was a convert to the church and he told us that he would not be where he is today, in the Seventy, if it weren't for persistent missionaries. It was just a really cool devotional. 

Wednesday: We had our second lesson with Zdenek. He asks really hard questions and we really don't have the Czech vocabulary to be able to answer him in a productive manner so that is really frustrating. Understanding his questions is often difficult too. We also had our first TRC. We taught memebers lessons completely in Czech. We discussed the importance of the Book of Mormon. One person we taught was a guy that had just got home from his mission in the Czech Republic. The other guy was a native Czech!!!! He is actually a professor at BYU, he is in the nursing department and teaches some kind of surgical procedure or something. I didn't get all of it... He just showed himself cutting up his arm and then sewing it back together :) haha. Each lesson was twenty minutes. 
I'm so grateful to be here. I love you all and miss you so much! 

Love Always, 

Sestra Guymon

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