Monday, July 15, 2019

911 Emergency -- July 15, 2019

Čau všem, 

First of all, Mom, Dad, I'm fine and safe. But, Saturday night we could have died in our sleep. I'll write about that in a second. 
Tuesday we had district council and had some technology difficulties trying to Skype Česke Budějovice in, but we got it figured out eventually. Then we went to lunch at a jidelna and got this weird salad. I was so confused. It was like tomatoes and onions floating in water. We had to ask the waitress how we were supposed to eat it, but you just fish it out with a fork. It was surprisingly good. We also invited the waitresses to our English class when we were paying for our food and both of the girls working there gave us their numbers which was cool. Then we taught our conversational English class and afterwards one of our students gave us a lesson on quantum mechanics. I LOVED IT! He is a professor at the university here in Plzen and he spent an hour with us working through equations. (That was our dinner hour). It was so fun becuase I learned about it last year in college and actually understood what he was talking about. 

Wednesday we did all of our studies and weekly planning. Then we went out and did some trackting. There was one lady that came out in a robe and invited us in, gave us water and we both talked about our beliefs. She is a strong member of another church, but she was really kind. Then she walked with us and showed us where one of the members in our branch lives. We tried to visit her, but she wasn't home. 

Thursday was awesome because we had our culture night for hitting standards, which means we got to go on a 3 hour trip! We took a train and the Elders in Česke Budějovice got scared when we didn't answer our phones because we didn't have service. So they called the zone leaders and the zone leaders called us trying to track us down and make sure everything was ok. Haha, they watch out for us. In Cheb, we met up with 2 of our investigators and they showed us around the city. Then one of them realized they lost their wallet, so we prayed and looked for it, called the train station and luckily they had it! Prayer works and it was a good life situation to show them that. Then we went and saw a castle and went into some underground tunnels. It was awesome. We taught them about the word of wisdom and they had a hard time with a few things, but we will keep working on it. Then went back to Plzen and had lesson with an awesome YSA we met on the street 2 weeks ago. We talked about who God was, taught him how to pray, and invited him to pray that evening and he said he would! On our way home, two people stopped us to talk which is so unusual! One of them gave us his number so we could give him more information about our English class. Then we talked to another guy from France who is studying here and we got his number to talk more. There were just so many miracles today. The Lord truly is guiding this work. 

Friday morning we did service for a lady in her garden and then shared a spiritual thought with her about the book of mormon. We also taught her how to pray. After a little coaxing, she said a beautiful prayer. Then we went home and called our land lord because our sink was leaking, so he had to come over and replace a part. Then we went to the church and had a Skype lesson with Andrea and talked about the strippling warriors, motherhood, and the family proclamation. It was a good lesson. Then we walked home in the rain and had call ins with our district leader and the Sister training leaders. 
Saturday we did our studies in the morning and some calls to get lessons set up for next week. Then we went to cafe and had a lesson with the mom of a girl which we met on a train. The lesson was 1/2 English 1/2 Czech because she wants to practice English. We talked about who God is and about her work. She is a really sweet lady. She kept complimenting my Czech. Then we went to the church to have sports night, but no one came, so we just cleaned the church and walked home. 

Ok, now for our emergency. At about 1:30AM I woke to the sound of an alarm. Sis Rudd was sound asleep, so I woke her up and we went to the source of the sound. It was the carbon monoxide detector in our bathroom. We have an old, gas water heater and we figured that was the source. I opened some windows. We grabbed our emergency kit, a jacket, and our phones and got out of the apartment. Then we called the Elders on one phone and the police on the other and they sent someone. They didn't understand English, so we had to do our best to explain our situation in Czech. Then we called the mission President and he didn't answer, so we called his wife, who picked up and we explained the situation. Then a big fire truck pulled up and 3 guys with reflective suits and helmets came out. We took them up to our apartment, by then the alarm had stopped beeping because a lot in the carbon monoxide had escaped through the windows I had opened. They got a slight reading of the CO in air though. They played with our water heater for a bit and told us that it has a problem and our landlord needs to replace it. After a few more tests, they told it it was safe to go back to sleep. We had to give them our identification information too. Then we called our mission President back and told him what happened and then we all felt safe to go back to bed. I tossed and turned for a bit and couldn't fall asleep because I kept relaying the situation in my mind. Sis Rudd couldn't sleep either, so we talked for a bit and then eventually felt calm enough and our adrenaline cooled down enough to let us go back to bed. It was just scary because if we didn't have that carbon monoxide detector, we literally could have died that night. 

Sunday we were pretty tired. President and the Elders checked up on us. We got ready and walked 45 minutes to church. We had a guy come that found us on the internet and it was fun to get to know him. Then we visited sis Juraskovsa, who is the sweet babička who always cooks for us. She fell twice and and is pretty bruised up.  Then we came home and called the land lord and told them about what happened last night, so hopefully they will fix the water heater. Then we packed and took a train back to česke budějovice. We finished the night with correlation with President Churdle and the Elders. 

I am so grateful for the holy ghost. It protects us and warns us of danger. It helps guide us and shows us what to do in emergency situations. He also comforts us. During our emergency, I was surprisingly calm, and somehow just knew what I was supposed to do. I know Heavenly Father was watching out for us. 

I love you all, 

S laskou, 

Sestra Guymon 

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